"I have been working with a young woman who spends a fortune with a dermatologist, getting peels and buying their products to treat her acne. In just 2 months, her skin has improved dramatically using T4 Skin Care products and applying our complimentary monthly AHA face peels. Her results have been profound. She's not yet ready to break up with her dermatologist, but almost. When she goes back, she's sure they will be amazed at what our products and monthly complimentary face peels were able to achieve in such a short period of time."
"I’m a 12 year licensed esthetician. One of our long term plastic surgery clients uses your T4 Skin Care line and loves it! Her skin is beautiful applying your monthly complimentary AHA face peels and using your products and I respect and trust her recommendations. I would like to offer your products."
"I started using the T4 Skin Care products and complimentary monthly AHA face peels in 2007 after I had surgery for basil cell cancer on my face. My scar literally vanished in 3 months."
"I wanted you to know that I am so grateful for T4. It has improved my skin tremendously in the last couple weeks. My son is using the products and they have improved his skin as well. Thank you! My son and I are using the monthly complimentary AHA face peels. The 30% is great. My son's skin has improved. He still has a few breakouts, especially when he skips a day and/or night. My skin has greatly improved. I wouldn't dare skip a day or night."
"I love the T4 Products and complimentary monthly AHA face peels that I am using. I had been using Tretinoin Crème .1% from the Obagi line. I ran out just before starting your T4 products and have been using T4 for about 8 weeks now, my hairdresser, who got hooked on Obagi a few years ago, commented that my skin looked awesome. She was amazed at how the puffiness under my eyes is starting to diminish with your T4 Eye Lift Crème. Thank-you for creating an eye crème that actually works".
"I did a T4 15% Glycolic + Pyruvic + Lactic All Natural Face + Body Peel and went to my dermatologist and this was the first time in 8 years that he did not have to burn anything off my face! I have been using T4 Skin Care and complimentary monthly AHA face peels for a year now and am so happy with my results! Thought that would make you smile:))".
"I was so excited this week to hear from so many who have tried the 7% Zinc Intense SPF 30 Moisture Creme-- Island tested in Jamaica by one of my toughest clients… and not a freckle, or hint of pink. She was thrilled."
"I was using Lytera Skin Brightening Complex & Lytera Retinol .25 and a friend of mine told me about your T4 Sun Spot + Age Spot Remover that has the same ingredients as Lytera at an exceptional retail value and your 5% Retinol Serum with Lactic + Peptides that has transformed her skin. I am grateful she told me about your hidden skin rejuvenating jewels along with your complimentary monthly AHA face peels".
"By the way, my son is in love with the t4 6% glycolic gel- his face has never looked so clear- we were just talking about it last night- his nose is perfectly clear of blackheads and this is a former cystic acne sufferer. Plus, he has hardly any scarring at all. While his cousin who took Accutane has cheeks full of scars. Anyway FYI and have great day and thank-you for gifting us with monthly complimentary AHA face peels.
"All you allergy sufferers…try the peptide eye firming serum. I wake up with swollen eyes, dab a smidge of anti-puff serum on them and by the time I leave for work, my eyes pass for normal".
"Sending your contact information to my girlfriend. She needs major help. Ever since I started using T4 Skin Care I look like I have normal adult skin. I can’t believe it. I haven’t ever looked this good".
"Well, all I can say is WOW! I love this stuff! It has only been a few days and I can tell a huge difference. My skin has never felt so good! My stress bumps/pimples are almost gone, my forehead wrinkles have significantly decreased, my pores have shrunk in size and my skin is so soft and smooth! Now I know why you call your T4 Bioplacenta Peptide Serum topical Botox ‘liquid gold’!"
"I bruised my hand pretty bad and have been using the T4 Body Boost Butter on it at night. It is not only helping the bruise disappear quickly, but it looks smoother and less veiny. Thank-you!!!"
"Each morning as I get ready, I say how thankful I am to you and T4 Skin Care. I know I have a long way to go, but I feel as though you have helped me to improve my face so much. I appreciate it!"
"I wanted to say thank-you so much again for letting me try the T4 15% Glycolic-Pyruvic-Lactic Peel on my arms. I have used it once since I got it and have seen such a significant difference. This is life-changing for me because, as I said, I have had karatosis pilaris since I was a little kid and have been to several dermatologists with no luck. This could change the lives of so many others who have this skin condition and are self-conscious about it. I seriously cannot believe how quickly and significant the positive changes to my skin have occurred. T4 Skin Care is a miracle for people like myself with sensitive skin that is prone to dryness. I have tried so many products and spent so much money on products in the past. T4 is honestly the only product line that really works for me and a total bonus is that it's totally affordable. I also really appreciate the abundance of different products so that my skin is always protected and never becomes dull."
"The 10% Mandelic Alpha Hydroxy Face and Body Leave On Peel worked amazingly last night as I put it on before bed and when I woke up, two blemishes/bumps that I had when I went to sleep, were completely flat this morning!-Thank-you."
"There are so many skin care products on the market everywhere. I have tried so many! However, I must tell you that the T4 Skin Care Products are the very best I have ever used. I have been using them for the past 4 months or so. The results I have seen are remarkable! Below are the things that have happened to my skin in this short time."
"The crepiness in my neck area is almost completely gone. I used to wear a scarf around my neck, but no longer. I am amazed."
"I had a plain facial last week and the cosmetologist told me that I had hardly any "sun damage" on my face. I spent my summers at the beach wearing only baby oil, so you can imagine the unseen skin damage that I had. Thanks to T4, that has almost all disappeared."
"I had a visible scar on my cheek due to the removal of some pre-cancerous cells about 5 years ago. Even though a plastic surgeon did the removal, there was still a scar. That scar has all but disappeared....again, due to T4 products."
"Thank you for introducing me to the program....again, it's the best there is and it works more than I ever expected. Please share this information with the company and with your other clients....current and future."
"I needed to get my face derma-planed and made a spa appointment." The esthetician offered to put a mild 6% AHA peel on my face for just 2 minutes to prep my skin for the derma-planing-I went to pay my bill & I had no clue I was going to get charged an additional $55 for the 6% -2 minute peel that is half the strength of the T4 At-Home Peels we retail---Wow-our clients have it so good-medical grade 30% monthly peels for FREE to top it off!"
"I have had problems with my skin for over 10 years, including acne, dry skin, redness, and scarring. I have tried and used so many different products over the years. Some have worked for a little while, and then my acne would always come back. Some products seemed to make my skin even worse. I have a different kind of combination skin, dry on top of oily. I started using T4 products about six months ago, and I noticed a difference right away in my acne, as well as the texture of my skin. It has since gotten better with each month and appointment. I love the products."
Thought you'd get a kick out of this… My good client who left Tzone to use the beauty counter products did not last very long… She called me today :-) You are correct, it is difficult to achieve deep regenerating repair with organic products alone, without the punch of of all natural, but at the same time pharmaceutical strength ingredients such as salicylic, l-ascorbic, Retinol in pure vitamin a, Glycolic, etc.
"Many thanks for connecting me to a Tzone Rep Helena- I will be excited to use your wonderful products again"
"I am so grateful to have found Tzone- between my monthly peels and weekly applying T4 15% Glycolic home peel, my dermatitis is cured- something my dermatologist failed to do"